Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa

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Wellington Queer History Walks: Come Walk With Us!

LAGANZ's participation in the 'Out in the Square' festivities at Civic Square on 23 January 2010 includes organising Queer Walks in Wellington for a second year under the LAGANZ umbrella.

Hugh Young and Alison Laurie began their Queer Walks as part of the Devotion activities, back when Wellington ran an annual queer festival, including a Parade and a Dance Party. Though Devotion faded from the scene (and is today part of our queer history), the Walks were revived for Pride 09.

Two Queer History Walks are being run:

1. Saturday 23 January: 3pm–4.30pm, starting at Civic Square (under the fern ball). This walk is fully accessible.

2. Sunday 24 January: 1.30pm–3pm outside Turnbull House (adjacent Bowen House, Bowen Street), ends at St Andrews on the Terrace with refreshments (by GalaXies; donation). This walk includes some steps. If wet, there'll be a Queer History Talk at St Andrews instead of a Queer Walk, and of course with refreshments by GalaXies.

The walks will be led by Alison Laurie and Hugh Young, with donation to LAGANZ.

Hugh points out that ‘Almost every block of inner Wellington has a site where lesbians formed relationships and founded women's organisations, gay men met for clandestine sex—or one was murdered—and both gathered to change laws. If you can't remember when gay sex was illegal and you could lose your job for signing a petition, come and hear how different life was a few short decades ago. If you can, come and share your experiences!'




Last updated: 9/1/2010

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/kawemahara | instagram.com/kawemahara