Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa

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MS Papers List

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[Papers concerning transsexuals]
Papers related to legal status of transsexuals and similar matters.
2 folders
Catalogue headings: 1. Transsexuals - legal status etc - New Zealand.

[Papers relating to homosexual law reform.]
This is a partial collection, most of her papers on this subject still being in her own possession.
2 cartons
Catalogue headings: 1. Sexual law reform - New Zealand. 2. Homosexual law reform Bill, 1985.

[Personal papers]
Most of these are file sets of club newsletters ex Dorian Society or NZ Homosexual Law Reform Society. Inventory available.
4 boxes (folders 403-1 to 403-38, 3 cartons, Box 4 with folders 1-12).
Catalogue headings: 1. Dorian Society, Wellington. 2. New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Society. 3. Gay press - New Zealand.

[Personal papers]
Papers relate chiefly to his work on the Human Rights Bill, 1993.
2 boxes, contents not yet listed
Catalogue headings: 1. Human Rights Bill, 1993

GAY Broadcasting Collective.
[Reel to reel tapes]
A collection of reel to reel tapes, supplementary to the larger collection of cassette tapes of its programmes.
1 carton (13 reel-to-reel tapes, with several cassettes)
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay radio - New Zealand.

DUNEDIN Gay Task Force
[Miscellaneous papers, ca. 1985]
Papers related to work on homosexual law reform in Dunedin.
4 folders
Catalogue headings: 1. Sexual law reform - New Zealand. 2. Dunedin - Gay community,

TREBY, lvor
One folder of poems sent by the author to Pink Triangle with a view to publication.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Poems. I. Pink Triangle Publishing Collective.

JAMES, Henry
[Miscellaneous papers]
Correspondence and other papers relating to gay life in Nelson.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Nelson - Gay community.

GAY Liberation, VUW,
[Miscellaneous papers, 1981-85]
Includes correspondence and ephemera.
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: 1. Wellington - Gay community.

[Personal papers]
Submission on Homosexual Law Reform Bill and correspondence with MPs, 1985.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Sexual law reform - New Zealand.

[Personal papers]
A few photographs and mementos.
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: Main entry only

HOMOSEXUALITY Beyond Disease Conference, Amsterdam, 1987.
Ephemera and conference brochures. Donated by Tony Hughes.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Homosexuality - Conferences. I. Hughes, Tony.

TAURUS Club, Hamilton
[Miscellaneous papers]
Includes a few items of ephemera and newsletters. NB the archives of the group are in a separate collection awaiting processing.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Hamilton - Gay Community.

WELLS, Peter
[Miscellaneous papers]
Papers concerning his films and writings.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Cinematographers, Gay - New Zealand. 2. Writers - New Zealand.

AUCKLAND Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Group.
[Miscellaneous correspondence]
Copies of letters to and from members of parliament concerning antidiscrimination legislation.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Human Rights Bill, 1993 2. Antidiscrimination legislation - New Zealand.

[Personal papers]
Ephemeral material related to the Human Rights Bill campaign, 1993 in Auckland.
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: 1. Human Rights Bill, 1993.

[Personal papers]
RESTRICTED MATERIAL For conditions on access see Curator.
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: Main entry only

WOOD, Evin
[Personal papers]
A few letters relating to his coming out as an openly gay man in Blenheim, 1984.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Blenheim - Gay community.

BIGOTBUSTERS Conference, 1985
Business papers and resolutions of the conference, with attendance lists, billets etc.
2 folders
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay conferences - New Zealand. 2. Sexual law reform - New Zealand.

ANGLES, Christchurch.
[Miscellaneous papers]
Newsletters, ephemeral material and business papers relating to the gay nightclub Angles, formerly the Dorian Society.
3 folders.
Catalogue headings: 1. Christchurch - Gay Community. I. Dorian Society, Christchurch.

AUCKLAND Community Church
[Archives, 1990- ]
Correspondence, minutes and other ephemeral material from a non-denominational gay community Christian group.
4 folders
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay churches - New Zealand.

[Cassette tapes and guide sheets]
Cassette tapes produced by an American gay radio programme and used by gay radio groups in New Zealand. Most of these are ex Gay Broadcasting Collective, Wellington.
5 cartons (with contents in folders and boxes)
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay radio. I. Gay Broadcasting Collective.

Papers relating to the Human Rights Bill and O'Regan SOP, 1992-1994.
2 boxes, mostly of copies of fax messages ex Bolero Communications (Newstel logs), press clippings etc, arranged in date order.
81 folders
Catalogue headings: 1. Human rights Bill, 1992. 2. O'Reagan Supplementary Order paper, 1993. I. Bolero Communications. II. Hughes, Tony. III. New Zealand AIDS Foundation.

[Miscellaneous papers]
Club rules, circulars and newsletters. The Club is a social club for gay men in the Horowhenua and Kapiti area.
RESTRICTED MATERIAL For conditions on access see Curator.
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: 1. Horowhenua - Gay community. 2. Gay Clubs - New Zealand.

AH Men. (Hollywood, CA.)
[Merchandise catalogues]
Catalogues of 'fashion' and fetish clothing for gay men, ca. 1972-1980.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Clothing, Men's.

SWEETMAN (Paris, France)
[Merchandise catalogues]
Catalogues of 'fashion' and fetish clothing for gay men, ca. 1972-1980.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1.Clothing, Men's.

WAVERLEY Publishing Co. Ltd.
[Miscellaneous advertising]
A collection of brochures and price lists for material produced and imported by the Company, especially nudist books, ca 1970-72
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Nudism - Publications. I. Sun and Health Books.

I. H. W .O. (Publisher, Copenhagen)
Advertising brochures from a supplier of nudist magazines and pornography.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Nudism - Publications.

ATHLETIC Model Guild.
[Advertising brochures]
Advertising brochures for products of the Company.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: I. Male nudes - photographs

COLT Studios.
[Advertising brochures]
Advertising brochures for products of the Company.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Male nudes - photographs.

AUCKLAND Gay Men's Health Group. (1989)
[Miscellaneous papers]
Includes Invitation to inaugural meeting and background paper. The promoters were Thomas Harding and Murray Reid.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Health activism - Auckland.

BODY Positive, Auckland.
[Miscellaneous papers]
Papers of a support group for HIV +ve men.
Mostly ephemeral material.
RESTRICTED MATERIAL For conditions of access see Curator
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. People with AIDS Organisations - New Zealand.

TRIANGLE Television.
[Miscellaneous papers]
Contains ephemera.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Television - New Zealand. 2. Gays in broadcasting.

K.Y.T.V.: Gay Film and Television Society.
[Miscellaneous papers]
Includes ephemera.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Television - New Zealand. 2. Gays in broadcasting.

DES HIRSUTES = The Hairies.
[Miscellaneous papers]
Contact group for gay men interested in body hair. Includes membership information.
RESTRICTED COLLECTION For conditions on access see Curator
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Contact groups. 2. Bear Cult - New Zealand.

GAY Games, 4th, 1994, New York. (Unity '94")
[Miscellaneous papers]
Brochures and ephemera.
Provenance: Team Auckland.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Sports festivals. I. Team Auckland, 1994.

STONEWALL Lobby Group Ltd. (London, U.K.)
[Miscellaneous papers]
Includes ephemera, press releases and copy of draft of "Homosexual Equality Bill".
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Sexual law reform - United Kingdom.

HERO Project.
[Miscellaneous papers]
Includes ephemeral items.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Dance Parties - New Zealand.

AUCKLAND Lesbian and Gay Centre.
[Miscellaneous papers]
The Centre was formerly the Isherwood Trust.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay Community Centres - New Zealand. I. Isherwood Trust.

NATIONAL Gay Conference.
Papers, 1973-1981.
Ephemeral material associated with the conferences, arranged in annual folders (1977 missing). Some as National Gay Rights Conference.
8 folders.
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay movement - New Zealand - Conferences. I. National Gay Rights Conference.

LESBIAN, Gay and Christian. National Conference, October 1992.
Papers, 1992.
"A national conference on sexism and heterosexism." Contains ephemera, working papers, proceedings, reviews etc. Compiled by Secretary, Roger Swanson.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay Christians - New Zealand. 2. Christian churches and Gays - New Zealand. I. Swanson, Roger.

[Personal papers, ca 1995?]
Consists mostly of photocopied portraits of Binnis in leather or undress, with bike etc, perhaps for entry to a Mr Drummer competition.
From estate of Philip Ercolano. RESTRICTED For conditions of access see Curator
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Leathermen - New Zealand. I. 41SMCNZ. 11. Ercolano, Philip. d. 1995

Assignment for Victoria University of Wellington course WISC 203 (Oral History) in Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Studies. Wellington: 1997.
131. and 1 cassette tape.
Oral history interview with Michael Hall concerning beliefs and practices of "ex-gay" Noel Mosen of New Image.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Oral histories. 2. Ex-Gays 3. Mosen, Noel. I. Hall, Michael. II. New Image.

GAY and Lesbian Community Centre, Wellington.
Papers of the Gay and Lesbian Community Centre, Wellington, 1989-1990.
Minutes of meetings, constitution, rosters and grant applications. The Centre was absorbed into the Evergreen Coffee Lounge. Donated by David Hindley.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Gay community Centres - Wellington. 2. Wellington - Gay community. I. Gay and Lesbian Community Centre, Wellington, 1989-1990. II. Hindley, David

SOMEWHERE over the Stonewall. (Exhibition, Moray Gallery, Dunedin 1996).
Ephemera of exhibition to commemorate 10th anniversary of the passage of the Homosexual Law Reform Act, 1986, including catalogue of works shown, reviews, press release and letter from Georgina Beyer, who opened it.
1 folder
Catalogue headings: 1. Artists, Gay - Dunedin. 2. Dunedin - Gay community. I. Moray Gallery, Dunedin.

Papers and audio tape associated with her involvement in HUG: Heterosexuals Unafraid of Gays.
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: 1. Homosexual law reform campaign, 1985-86.1. HUG: Heterosexuals Unafraid of Gays.

The HERO Festival: a celebration of diversity, 1 February to 20 February 1993.
Collection of ephemera of the festival, including brochure, flyers and events sheets. Donated by Theo ter Borg.
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: 1. Hero Project. 2. Festivals - Auckland. I. ter Borg, Theo

LESBIAN and Gay Christian Community of Wellington.
[Papers 1994- ]
Rules, service papers, some minutes of meetings and newsletters (Galaxies).
1 folder.
Catalogue headings: I. Gay Christians - Wellington. I. Galaxies.






Last updated: 5 Sep 2020

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/kawemahara | instagram.com/kawemahara