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Serials Holdings ListLAGANZ has prepared a Statement on Harmful Content and Inclusive Description for users of this finding aid.
PrefaceThis list includes all published serials, including periodicals and newspapers, held in the Lesbian and Gay Archives of the New Zealand, a private charitable trust. The collections are now situated within the Alexander Turnbull Library, in the National Library of New Zealand. These collections were assembled on an initiative of the National Gay Rights Coalition of New Zealand, which decided to establish an NGRC Resource Centre in 1977 to preserve the NGRCs own archives and those of other gay movement organisations. With the collapse of the Coalition after 1981 the Centre became autonomous as the Lesbian and Gay Rights Resource Centre. In September 1986, following the passage of the Homosexual Law Reform Act, the Centre was attacked by arsonists and there was considerable superficial damage to the collections. Fortunately most of the serials collections survived to be evacuated into temporary storage while cleaning and drying proceeded. In 1988 the interim Trustees made an agreement with the Alexander Turnbull Library over the future care of the collections, and the Trustees of the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand confirmed this agreement in an amended version in 1992. The collections of LAGANZ have been built up largely by donation and exchange, although some significant serials have been obtained by purchase. The collections include publications from many countries, in English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Portuguese, Indonesian, and Dutch. Most of these date from the 1970s and later. However LAGANZ does include important early holdings of American and Dutch gay movement periodicals from the 1950s onward. The majority of the titles held are probably unique New Zealand institutional holdings. This is the first formally published edition of the list. In making the list more widely available we hope to draw attention to the existence of a rare and valuable resource, most of which will not already be available through the New Zealand library system. LAGANZ holds a stock of superfluous duplicate copies of serials and operates an exchange system with other gay and lesbian archives around the world. This has assisted it to acquire much valuable early material. The collections are generally available without restriction, although special restrictions may apply to particular titles, mainly to protect personal confidentiality. Material from the collections is not generally loaned, although loans for exhibitions may be considered. The collection is not available for interloan purposes. Subject, title and geographical access is provided in the LAGANZ card catalogue, available on site in the Alexander Turnbull Library. Donations of serials to complement and extend the LAGANZ holdings are welcome. Any enquiries about the collection and access to it should be directed to the Curators at P.O. Box 11-695, Manners St P.O. Wellington. Support for the continued growth and development of the LAGANZ collection is provided by membership in the Friends of the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand (FLAGANZ). Enquiries about membership in FLAGANZ may also be sent to the box number given above. In addition to the serials and newspapers recorded here, LAGANZ holds substantial collections of books, manuscripts and archives, ephemera, photographs, posters and some audio-visual materials. The Manuscript Papers collection (LAGANZ-MS-Papers-) is described elsewhere on the LAGANZ Website. Bibliographic Note on the Holdings ListTitles have been described in accordance with the rules of the first edition of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR1), which was widely used by libraries throughout the English-speaking world until the second edition (AACR2) was produced. The first edition is still the basis on which many major catalogues and union lists are compiled. Under the AACR1 rules, titles consisting of a generic term (e.g. bulletin, newsletter, report etc.) are entered under the name of the publisher. For example, Newsletter, published by the Dorian Society, Wellington, will be found under Dorian Society, Wellington, not under Newsletter. Similarly, titles which contain an acronym for the name of the
publisher will be found entered under the name of the publisher: for
example, NGTF action report, entered under National Gay Task
Distinctive titles are entered directly under title (e.g. Circle,
Diplomatic script or Gay agenda.) A title which begins with an acronym for
a subtitle following (e.g. OGT: Otago gaily times) will be entered under
the acronym, as if it were a distinctive title. All serials in the LAGANZ collection are fully catalogued, with subject and geographic tracings in the dictionary catalogue, available on site in the Library. At a future date short descriptive annotations will be added as a separate exercise. Each title change is recorded as a separate entry, with connecting supersession notes to the title preceding or following (so called "successive title" entry principle). Each entry includes as much bibliographical information (starting dates, supersession notes, ISSN information etc) as has been traceable, but because many lesbian and gay serials are not widely distributed and do not come to the attention of national bibliographic agencies, such information is often difficult to trace. Furthermore because the holdings of the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand are often fragmentary it is impossible to give full bibliographic information for many titles. As additional information comes to our attention we will include it in future editions of this list. The collection is still growing, although not so fast as in the heydays of the gay and lesbian movement. Phil Parkinson Support of the GABA Charitable TrustThe trustees and curators of LAGANZ would like to acknowledge the support of the GABA Charitable Trust (Auckland) (now called The Rainbow New Zealand Charitable Trust) which funded the project to publish the Serials List on this website.
Last updated: 24 Mar 2023 |
Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ) |