Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa

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Outlines: Lesbian and gay histories in Aotearoa

Some of the papers presented at the Outlines Conference have been edited and collated with other papers on gay and lesbian history in New Zealand and published as a book titled Outlines: Lesbian and gay histories in Aotearoa. The book is available to borrow in public and academic libraries in New Zealand.

Outlines’ editors Alison J. Laurie and Linda Evans have compiled papers by academics, historians and other gays and lesbians from the queer community who participated in the successful Outlines Conference: Lesbian and Gay History in Aotearoa held in 2003.

Topics in Outlines range from Ngahuia Te Awekotuku’s ‘He Reka Anō – same-sex lust and loving in the ancient Māori world’ to gay and lesbian liberation in Aotearoa in the 1970s and Jack Body’s ‘Gay sensibility in the music of Douglas Lilburn’.



Introduction - Alison J. Laurie and Linda Evans

1. Henare Te Ua
Reflections on being gay and Māori.

2. Ngahuia Te Awekotuku
He Reka Anō –same-sex lust and loving in the ancient Māori world.

3. Alison J. Laurie
'Filthiness' became a theory: an overview of homosexual and lesbian organising from nineteenth century Europe to seventies New Zealand.

4. Phil Parkinson
'A most depraved young man': Henry Miles Pilley, the New Zealand missionary.

5. Jenny Coleman
Convenient fictions: the case of Amy Bock.

6. Julie Glamuzina
Containment of lesbians and lesbianism in the early and mid-twentieth century.

7. Chris Brickell
Writing homosexual histories: the case of 'sex instruction'.

8. Jack Body
Gay sensibility in the music of Douglas Lilburn.

9. Ken Cage
Queer noises from the colonies.

10. Prue Hyman
Lesbians and gay men flirting with/disengaging from vital statistics: same-sex relationships and the New Zealand Census 1971-21.

11. Lois Cox
'That's what I am: I'm a lesbian'.

12. Yoka Neuman
I did not realise that lesbians could be mothers too.

13. Valda Edyvane, Tighe Instone and Porleen Simmonds
'Wasted days and wasted nights?' lesbian socialising in Wellington from the late 1960s.

14. Lindsay Wright, Robin Duff, Valda Edyvane, Judith Emms
Gay and lesbian liberation in Aotearoa in the 1970s.


Last updated: 26/8/2018

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/kawemahara | instagram.com/kawemahara