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Serials List

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CAPITAL A. (New Zealand AIDS Foundation) Wellington. no.1(N1994)-2(Ap1995)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(N1994)-2(Ap1995)

CAPITAL gay. (Stonewall Press Ltd) London
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 26Je1981-18D1981, 8Ja1982-2Jl1982, 23Jl1982-6Ag1982: no190(3My1985)-215, 217-221, 224, 230-239(Ap1986), 282, 288, 297-301, 304, 308, 320-650 (Je1994)

CAPITAL Q weekly. Sydney. No.1(?1992)-420(2000)
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no4(My1992)-400(Je2000) broken run (odd issues only)

CAPITAL Xtra. Ottawa.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no19(Mr1995)

CAPITOL hill. (Gay Rights National Lobby) Washington.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Ja979)-1no3(F1979)

CAPRI. (Schwules Museums in Berlin) Berlin.
ISSN 1431-8024
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no26(1998)

CARFAX Publishing Co.
EUROPEAN journal of education.
J E T - journal of education for teaching.

CARGO. (BlackWattle Press) Sydney no1(D1987)-14(1993)
ISSN 10306447
Literary magazine for lesbian and gay writers. Subtitle varies as "Writings from a gay male perspective" or "Writings from a lesbian perspective".
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(D1987)-8/9(1990), 11(1991)

CASAL Lambda. (Casal Lambda) Barcelona. 10no1(May1989)-
Continues Lambda, published by Institut Lambda, which merged with Comissao Pro-Casal de Barcelona to form Casal Lambda.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 10no1(May1989)

CASCADE voice. Seattle.
Also known as Voice and as Washington cascade voice
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no4(Ju11983), no7(Aug1983)

CATCH 22; for gay men and women. (Adelaide Directory Collective) Cowandilla, SA. 1
Supersedes Adelaide Directory. Superseded by Galah. Alternative title: South Australia's Catch 22
Some issues misnumbered. Format varies.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no20(Oc1983)-23(Ja1984); 2no2(Mr1984)-4no10(D1986) [Stack 2] 5no1(Ja1987)-6no4(May1988), 7no1(Ja1989)-7no4(Ap.1989)
(NOTE: Many issues damaged in LAGANZ arson attack, 1986).


CELEBRASION. (Gay Asians Toronto) Toronto. no.1(D1983)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 4no16(1988)

CELEBRATION '90: Gay Games III and Cultural Festival newsletter. (Metropolitan Vancouver Athletic & Arts Assn.) Vancouver, BC. 1( 1987)-?1990
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no2(Oc/N1987), Mr/Ap1988, Ag/S1988*, no6(Mar1989), Ap1990.

IN unity

CENSORSHIP bulletin. (Glad Day Bookshop) Toronto.
Issue 4 has title: Censorship Canada. No 6 has imprint of Canadian Committee Against Customs Censorship.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4([Ja1986])


The CENTER news. (Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center) Hollywood. LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 6no6(D1987), 8no2(Spr1989)

CENTRE news. (Auckland Gay / Lesbian Centre) Auckland.
Superseded by Pride Centre. Pride centre news.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Oc1992)-(Je/Jl1995)

The CENTER voice. (Lesbian & Gay Community Services Center, New York) New York. 1(Ja1985)-
ISSN 08748984
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 4no3(Je1988), 4no6(N/D1988)

CENTRE du Christ Liberateur
ILIA; il libre il aime

CENTRE forward. (Scottish Homosexual Rights Group. Gay Information Centre) Edinburgh. no1(F1980)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(F1980)

CENTRES for Disease Control
see also
AIDS weekly surveillance report
HIV/AIDS surveillance

see also

CHALLENGE weekly. Auckland.
Christian newspaper. Prominent in campaign against Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 1985-86. From 1986 it included other titles as supplements: Issacharian report, Humanity, Concerned Parents Association Newsletter, Coalition Courier q.v.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Extracts 1985- (not recorded)
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 43no15(24My1985), 43no45(22N1985)

CHAMP annual. (Bob Anthony) New York.
Physique magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 2no2(n.d.)

CHANGING herizons. (Herizon) Binghampton, NY
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Je1979)

CHANNEL chatter. (Triangle Television) Auckland.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Je1994), (S1994)

CHAPTER news. (Mattachine Society. Southern Area Council) Los Angeles. 1(28Jul.1953)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(Jul.1953)-2, 1no4(Aug.1953)

CHE; the bulletin of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality
CAMPAIGN for Homosexual Equality, Manchester.

CHEEK to cheek: the gay lesbian partner dancing newsletter. Oakland CA.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no4(Apr.1989)

CHICAGO directory; a gay guide to businesses and entertainment. (Metropolitan Business Association Inc) Chicago
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1981)

CHICAGO Gay Alliance. Newsletter. Chicago. 1(N?1979)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack1] 1no6(1971)-1no7(My1971)

CHICAGO gay life. Chicago. (date?)-8no?(1982)
Continued by: Gay life; the midwestern gay weekly.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 6no32(Ja1981)-7no11(Ag1981); 7no30(8Ja1982)-47, 7no50-7no52; 8no1-8no2(25Je1982)

CHICAGO gay pride. (Chicago Gay Pride Week Committee) Chicago (Je1971)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] (Je1971)

CHICAGO Gay Pride Week Committee
CHICAGO gay pride

MATTACHINE Society. Chicago Area Council. Newsletter.

CHICAGO Mattachine news
MATTACHINE Society. Chicago Area Council. Newsletter.

CHOICES: a newsletter for community groups with an interest in health. (N.Z. Dept. of Health. District & Regions Programme) Wellington. no1(Ja/F1980)-
ISSN 0111-4425
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (My/Je1987)

CHRISTCHURCH Gay Liberation Front
GAY Liberation Front, Christchurch

CHRISTCHURCH Men's Consciousness Raising Groups
MEN against sexism

CHRISTENDOM. Wellington. no.1(Je1985)
Virulently anti-gay magazine linked to CUF - Catholics United for the Faith.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no3(Ag1985), 1no6/7(N/D1985) [xerox copies]

CHRISTIAN. (Institute of Christian Studies) London. No. 1 (Easter 1973)-?
Publisher varies, most issues with a distinctive title or theme. ISSN 0301-7745
Articles on homosexuality and the church feature in v. 4 no. 2 (Annunciation, 1977). Holdings (St. 1) v. 4no.2 (Annunciation, 1977)

CHRISTIAN Medical Fellowship of New Zealand. Newsletter. Auckland.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] selected issues only: (2ndQuarter1985)

CHRISTOPHER street. (That New Magazine Inc.) New York. 1(Jl1976)-?228(1995)
ISSN 0146-7921
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Aug1976), 1no4–12; 2no1–12; 3no1–12; 4no1–12; 5no1–9(Sept/Oct1981); no58(Nov.1981)–95(Dec.1984), 97–101(May1985; 102(Aug.1986)–107, 109, 112–115, 117–136, 138–150, 153-154, 156, 158- 160, 162, 165-166(1991)

CHRISTS Community Church, Adelaide
GAY credo

CHRONICLE. (International Sexual Minorities Information Resource) Pittsburgh. 1(Summer/Fall1995)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Summer/Fall1995)

CHURCH news. (Metropolitan Community Church, Sydney) Sydney
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Ag1976)

CIAO!: the world of gay travel. (QQ Publishing Co. Inc.) New York 1(F1973)-7no5(Mr1980).
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 6no2(Je/Jl1978)

CINEVISTANEWS. (Cinevista Inc.) New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no4(Je1995)

CIRCLE. Wellington. no1(D1973)-23(winter1976)
"For Women only" or "For Lesbians only" and produced by a collective. At an early stage the publication of SHE: Sisters for Homophile Equality
Superseded by Lesbian feminist circle
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(D1973)-20/21(Jl/S1975); 23(winter1976)

CITE Guide magazine. Los Angeles Edition. Denver, CO.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no3(N1986)

CITE Guide magazine. Pacific Northwest Edition. (International Northwest Publishing Co.) Seattle. 1(Mr1986)-?
Title varies? Some as Guide magazine. Northwest guide.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no5(Ag1986)

CITY rhythm. (Janek Pty Ltd) Richmond, Vic. no1(1981)-51(F1989)
Some issues undated. "Later known as Focus."
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no5(May1982), 12, 17-21, 25-27, 69 [i.e.28?], 30, 32(Je1985)-44(My1987), 46-47, 49-51(F1989)

CITY rhythm Melbourne. (Rosemount Media) North FitzRoy, Vic.
Entertainment magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Mr1992)

CITY voice. Wellington.
Community newspaper; has gay lesbian content in some issues.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] odd issues only, 1993-1999.

CIVIL liberties. (American Civil Liberties Union) New York no. 74(S1949)-
Continues Civil liberties quarterly
ISSN 0009-790X
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no363(Ja/F1988)

CLASSIC Publications

BEST gay erotica.

CLI, bolletina del CLI - collegamente fra le lesbiche Italiane. Rome.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no84(N/D1991)-104(N1993)

CLIMAX Studios
see also
MALE art

CLIQUE. (Invitel Productions) Amsterdam 1(My1990)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1]1(My1990)

CLIT international. (International Lesbian Information Service) Geneva.
"Concentre Lesbien Irresstidement Toxique, CLIT"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no14(Mr1985)

CLOSE-UP (Lyndon Distributors) Van Nuys, CA. no1(May1982)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1(May1982)-2(Aug1982)

CLOSE-UP Productions
see also

CLOTHESDICK: the international magazine about clothed men. (P.A.E. Inc.) Chicago. 1
( 1976)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1no4(F/Mar1977), 1no5, 1no6(Jl1977)

CLUB 40. Club 40 news. Napier.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Ja/F1990)

COALITION courier. (Coalition of Concerned Citizens) Christchurch 1( 1985)-?
Anti-gay right wing newsletter. From 2no1 issued as a supplement to Challenge Weekly, in tabloid format. 3no5 as Coalition Report, dealing with 1987 general election. Format varies. Ceased 1988?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no2(D1985); 2no1(D1986); 3no1-3no6, 4no1-4no2(Aug.1988)
[*some issues are xerox copies]

COALITION Nationale pour les Droits des Homosexuels
NATIONAL Gay Rights Coalition [Canada]

COALITION of Concerned Citizens

COALITION on the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. COB newsletter. Hamilton. no1(n.d.1995)-3(n.d.1995)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2 (n.d.)-3 (n.d.)

COAST Times Publishing
BAR spa

COAST to coast times. (Coast Press Ltd/ Coast Times Publishing) Los Angeles.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no119(Jul1978)

COASTERS: parties in paradise. Newsletter. Gold Coast, Queensland.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Jul1991)

COC periodiek
CULTUUR- en Ontspannings Centrum, COC
see also under the later name of COC: Nederlandse Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit, COC

COC periodiek (Cultuur- en Ontspannings Centrum, COC. Centraal Bureau) Amsterdam no.1(4thQu.1960)-?
Cover title: COC
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(1960)-2, 4-8/9(1964)

COC sek. (Nederlandse Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit, COC) Amsterdam. 1(Sept.1970)-1976/1(Jan.1976)
Supersedes: Sik. Superseded by Sek
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(Sept.1971-1no4(N1971); 2no1(Jan.1973)-1976/1(Jan.1976)

COCKSUCKERS Club of America.
FRENCH cuisine magazine.

COLLECTIVE thinking. (People with AIDS Collective) Wellington. no1(My1988)-
To 1989 published by People with AIDS Collective. Later published by National People Living with AIDS Union, and subsequently by New Zealand AIDS Foundation.
ISSN 1170-2354
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no1(My1988)-3/4/5, 7(D1989)-

COLT Studio presents. (Colt Studios) Studio City, CA.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no12(1989)

COLT Studios
see also

The COLUMNS Northwest: for the involved gay. Seattle, WA.
Supersedes The Columns
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no7(Jul1971)

COME out fighting. (Lavender and Red Union) Hollywood. 1(My1975)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no18([F1977]?)-19([1977]?), 21(My1977)

COMING up: the lesbian/gay community calendar of events and newspaper for the Bay area. San Francisco. (Oc1979)-10no6(1989)
Size varies: to 1982 in newspaper size, later as tabloid.
Superseded by San Francisco Bay Times
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] N1979, Jl1981, Aug.1982, 4no8(May1984), 7no3(D1985)-7no4(Ja1986), 7no11(Aug1986), 9no11(Aug1988)

COMITE d'Urgence Anti-Repression Homosexuelle
HOMO phonies

COMMITTEE on Lesbian and Gay History. CLGH newsletter. [Boston?] 1(1987)-?
Academic reviews and bibliographies.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 3no1(1989)-3no2(1989)

COMMITTEE to Reinstate Alison Thorne. ... Newsletter. North Carlton, Vic.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(20Je1985)

COMMON lives, lesbian lives: a lesbian quarterly. Iowa City. (Fall1981)-
ISSN 08916769
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1 (Fall1981)-no39(1991)

COMMUNICABLE disease New Zealand: monthly report. (National Health Institute) Porirua. 87/1(Ja1987) -
Supersedes New Zealand virus report
ISSN 01131974
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1987no8-1990no4

COMMUNICATOR. (Lambda Radio C.B. Group) Sydney.
Supersedes Newsbrief, published by Lambda Listening CB Radio Group.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no1(n.d.)

COMMUNITY AIDS Treatment Information Exchange
The POSITIVE side.

COMMUNITY Support Network. Newsletter. Sydney no.1( 1985?)-?
Newsletter of support group for PWAs.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4(Jl1985)-6(F1986)

COMPASS. Los Angeles. 1(Ap1972)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 9no.16(N1981)-17, 12no3(My1984), 14no11(Aug1986), 15/16-17; 15no4, 15/16; 16no.11, 19-20/21(Jan1989); 18no13(Oc1990)

CONCERNED Parents Association. Newsletter. Christchurch. (F1975)-?
Anti-gay right wing anti-sex education group newsletter. From 1986 some issues appeared as supplements to Challenge Weekly.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Ap/My1979*), (Jl/Ag1979), (D1980)
[*xerox copy]

Feminist literary magazine
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 5 (the Black women's issue) (1979)


CONNEXIONS: an international women's quarterly. (Peoples Translation Service) Berkeley CA.
Some issues are reprints.
LAGANZ: [Stack1] "Issue reprint no 3 (Ja1982) 'Global lesbianism'" no10 (Fall 1983) 'Global lesbianism 2'

CONTACT. (Connections) Perth
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (F1985)

CONTACT (Wollongong AIDS Research Team, University of Wollongong) Wollongong, NSW 1(Ag1986)-2no3(Sep1988)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Ag1986)-2no3(Sept.1988)

CONTATTO. (Arci Gay) Bologna 1(Je1989)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Je1989), 3no8, 4no9 (Je1992)

CONTAX guide: your national gay entertainment and contact magazine. Miami, FL.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 4no19(S1993)

CONTINENTAL Travel Club. C.T.C. quarterly. San Francisco.
"Travel and shoppers guide"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4( 1975?)

COOPERATING attorney update. (Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund) New York
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Oct./Nov1988), (My/Je1989)-(Sep/Oct 1990)

COQ International
GAY Scandinavia

COUNTRY dykes delight. Takaka, Nelson. 1(F1992)-
"For lesbians only."
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1(F1992)-

COVERAGE (Health Department, Victoria. AIDS/STD Unit) Melbourne. 1(F1991)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(F1991)

CREDO Society

CREDONEWS. (Credo Society) Auckland. [no1](D1982)-
Newsletter of Barbara Faithfull (anti-gay activist). Contains attacks on Fr. Felix Donnelly.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(Oc1983), no4(My1985)-8, 11 [-]
[xerox copies]

CRETE International
see also
UNCUT: the magazine of the natural man.

CROSSES and Arrows. Newsletter. Christchurch. no.1(S1988)-?
Newsletter of a lesbian/gay youth group.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(S1988)-3(n.d.1989)

CROSSLINK. Wellington.
Religious newspaper ISSN 0113-2024
Contains articles on churches and homosexuality.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1no9(N1987), 9no4(My1995)-(Ag1998) selected issues only

CRUISE: the guide to gay entertainment in the south. (Cavco Inc.) Atlanta, GA. 1(Ja1976)?-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no7(Je1977)

CRUISER. Sydney. 1( 1987?)-?
Superseded by Sydney Cruiser
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no4(n.d.)

CRUISER. Zurich 1( 1987)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no4([S]1987), 5/90(Dec.1990), 2/91(F1991)

CRUISER magazine. (Cruiser Promotions Ltd) Auckland. no1(29Mr1984)-3([n.d.]1984)
First issue with imprint of B & T Promotions.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(29Mr1984)-3([n.d.]1984)

CRUISER Promotions
CRUISER magazine

CRUISER Publications
SYDNEY cruiser

CULTUUR- en Ontspannings Centrum, COC
see also under its later name
NEDERLANDSE Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiiteit, COC.

CUM cruiser. [n.p.] 1(n.d.)
Sex magazine with excerpts from "the William Higgins motion picture These Bases are Loaded.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1(n.d.)

CURRENT AIDS literature. (Gower Academic Journals) London. 1(Ja1988)-
ISSN 09528075
Supersedes AIDS and retroviruses update
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Ja1988)

CUTTING Edge: a newsletter of Christian insight (New Zealand Education Development Association) Christchurch. (Mr1992)-
ISSN 1173 258X
Newsletter on Christian education by Bruce Logan.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1]'Special edition 1999' 'Whose Heroes?' Also held WTU





Last updated: 24 Mar 2023

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/kawemahara | instagram.com/kawemahara