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Serials ListLAGANZ has prepared a Statement on Harmful Content and Inclusive Description for users of this finding aid. GEI to HUZ
GEI pravda [= Gay pravda] Organ de Gei Kranta i Gei Pye.
(De Gay Krant) Best, Netherlands. no1(Oct1990)-? GEILE gays (Bild and Druck Verlag) Frankfurt GENERAL Practitioner Society GENRE. Los Angeles. GIBBIN Publications GIBSON Inc. GIRL'S own: Sydney feminist paper. Sydney. GLAD: Gays and Lesbians against discrimination.
Parkville. GLAD briefs. (Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders)
Boston. ( 1979)-? GLAD Day Bookshop GLAD rag; Wellington lesbian newsletter. [Paekakariki] GLADIATOR. (GLAD: Gays and Lesbians Against
Discrimination) Parkville GLO. Auckland. no0(May1991), no1(Oc1991)-1993 GLOBAL AIDS news. (World Health organisation. Global
Programme on AIDS) Geneva. GLOSS goss. Christchurch GO!: magazine of great outdoors men and women.
(California Great Outdoors Inc.) San Diego. GO big: life & style. (Pink Triangle Press)
Toronto. 1(April 2000)-? GO info GOLD: the international magazine for international
(Interlink Publishing Co. Ltd.) London. no1( )-? GOLDEN Cock Publications GOODE Press GORDON & Breach Publishing GOSSIP: a journal of lesbian feminist ethics. (Onlywomen
Press) London. no1(1986)-? GOTHAM: a ledger of the Gay Community. New York.
1(24Je1976)-2no13(25Je1980) GOWER Academic Journals GRAPEVINE. (Grapevine Collective) Perth. GREAT GCN summer literary supplement. Melbourne.
no1([1981]?)-? GREEN Park Associates Pty Ltd GREEN Park observer. (Green Park Associates Pty Ltd)
Darlinghurst 1(Mr1983)-4(Je1983) GREG Weir defence newsletter. (National Greg Weir
Defence Campaign) Prahan. no1( )-? GRUPO Gay de Bahia, Boletim do G.G.B. Bahia, Brazil.
no1(Feb1982)-? GRUPO Lambda de Liberaction Homosexual The GUIDE. (Fidelity Publishing) Boston, MA.
The GUIDE. Manhattan ed. (Gaytimes Publ.) New York
1(1981)- GUIDE magazine. Denver Co. GUIDE magazine, San Francisco (Hot Wax Music
Enterprises & Lasco Communications) San Francisco (Aug1985)- The GUIDE to the gay northeast (Fidelity Publishing
Ltd) Boston. GUY. (Climax Studios) London. no1([Autumn1964])-2([
1965]) H. B. Gay Society H.I.V. / AIDS legal link. (Australian Federation of
AIDS Organisations. AFAO Legal Project) Darlinghurst
4no3[i.e.4no1](Mr1993)-12no2 (2001) H.I.V./AIDS surveillance report. (Centers for Disease
Control) Atlanta. (Feb1989)- H. I. V. Australia. (Australian Federation of AIDS
Organisations). Darlinghurst, NSW. H.I.V. briefs: national treatments information
(Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations) [n.p.] no1(Oct1989)-(1992) H.I.V briefs: information sheets on HIV/AIDS treatment
issues. (AFAO National treatments project). Sydney. H.I.V. capsule report. (U.S. Conference of Mayors)
Washington DC 1(Mr1992)- H.I.V. herald. (Australian Federation of AIDS
Organisations. National HIV/AIDS Treatments Information Project) Canberra. H.I.V. living news. (AIDS Council of New South Wales)
Sydney. 1(Oct1992)-? H.I.V. magasinet. (Riksforbundet for Sexuellt
Likaberattigande) Stockholm. 1(Mr1987)-? H.I.V. news review. (Terrence Higgins Trust) London.
no10(Oct1989)-? H.I.V. project team newsletter. (County of Avon. Social
Services Dept.) Bristol. H.X.: homo xtra. New York. HAEMOFACT. (Haemophilia Society) London. HAMILTON feminists newsletter. Hamilton. HAMILTON Men's Group HAMILTON Womens Centre. Newsletter. Hamilton. HARVARD educational review. (Harvard
University. Graduate School of Education) Cambridge, Mass. V. 7(January
1937)- HARVARD gay and lesbian newsletter. Cambridge, MA. HARVARD gay and lesbian review. Cambridge, MA.
1(Winter1994)-6no4(1999) HARVEY Milk Archives. Newsletter. San Francisco.
1(Ja1983)-? HAWKES Bay Gay Society. [Newsletter] Napier.
no1(My1977)-([Oc1985]) HAWORTH Press HEALING AIDS: a newsletter of healing tools, resources
and AIDS. San Francisco. (D1986)- HEALING Centre [Auckland] HEALTH Information Association of New Zealand. HIANZ
news. Wellington. no1(Oct1989)- HEALTH letter. (Gay Men's Health Crisis) New York.
no1(Oc1983)-? HEALTH Research Council. HRC Committee on AIDS
Research. Newsletter. Auckland. (1993)-? HEART land. (New Zealand AIDS Foundation) Auckland.
No1(Apr1999)-3(Oct1999) HEAVY black rubber bulletin. [no place] HEDESTHIA HELIX Publications Inc HELL bent. (Wicked Women Publications) Redfern, Sydney. HELP Erase Repressive Attitudes HELP Us To Help You HER say: Christchurch feminist newspaper. Christchurch.
no1(Ag1979)-15(Ap1982) HERA; help erase repressive attitudes. Dunedin.
no1(n.d.)-? HERITAGE of Pride HERIZON HERsay. (New South Wales. Women's Advisory Council)
Sydney. HETEROSEXUALS Unafraid of Gays HETRICK-MARTIN Institute HIM HIM exclusive. (Incognito Publishing Ltd) London. no1- HIM magazine. (Millivres Ltd) London. no1(n.d.1987)- HIM monthly. (Millivres Ltd) London.
no5l(?date)-68(Apr1984) HIS: the magazine for the modern man. Auckland.
1(Ap1972)-? HOLLYWOOD star. Hollywood. 1( 1976)-? HOME schoolers newsletter. ([Reformed Church])
Auckland. no1-? HOMMES. (Editions SAN) Paris. no1(1969)- De HOMO krant. (Federatie Werkgroep Homophilie) Ghent.
( 1974)- HOMO phonies. (Comite d'Urgence Anti-Repression
Homosexuelle) Paris. no1(N1980)-55 (My/Je1985); Suppl. to no55;
nsno1(1/20N1985)-no8(Je1986)? ns[2]no1(D1986)- HOMOCORE. (World Power Systems) San Francisco. HOMOFIL Bevegelse i Bergen HOMOLOGIE. (Stichting Homologie) Amsterdam. l(My1978)-3
(1997) HOMOPHILE Association of London, Ontario. HALO
newsletter. London, Ont. (Jl1974)-N1994 HOMOPHILE studies: One Institute quarterly. (One
Institute) Los Angeles. no1-? HOMOSEXUAL Information Centre. Newsletter. Hollywood. HOMOSEXUAL Law Reform Society HOMOSEXUAL Law Reform Society. Annual report. London.
1(1958)-? HOMOSEXUAL news service. Sydney. no1(27Jl1977)-? HOMOSEXUELLE and Kirche HONCHO. (Modernismo Publications) New York. 1(Ap1978)- HOPE Brook Commune HOPE-TUMANAKO newsletter. (The Healing Centre)
Auckland. no1(Je1987)-(Je1988) The HORNY bastard. (New Zealand AIDS
Foundation) Auckland. Issue 1 (December 2004) HOT gossip HOT Line: gay magazine. Milano, Italy. 1(Oct/Nov1990)- HOT Wax Music Enterprises HOUSTON gay and lesbian yellow pages. (Villaqraphics)
Houston. HOUSTON voice: a community news publication. Houston,TX.
No.687(D1993)-? HOWARD Brown Memorial Clinic HUG: Heterosexuals Unafraid of Gays. Newssheet.
Wellington. [no1](27Ag1985)-? HUK: Homosexuelle and Kirche. Huk-info. Berlin no.1-? HUMAN Rights Campaign Fund HUMAN Rights Commission (New Zealand) HUNKY: the man's magazine. (Stilone Pty) Sydney. no1-? HUTHY news 'n' views. (Te Huthy Club) Whangarei.
1(Jl1978)?-1no4(Oc1978)? HUTT Valley Gay Group. Newsletter. Lower Hutt. no1( 198
)-? HUZZA: the Gay News-Telegraph magazine |
Last updated: 24 Mar 2023 |
Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ) |