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Serials List

LAGANZ has prepared a Statement on Harmful Content and Inclusive Description for users of this finding aid.

M.C to MYC


M.C.C. news letter
METROPOLITAN Community Church Study Group. Newsletter.

M.C.M.: a man's mag. London. no12( 1983)-?
Supersedes Men cruising men.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no12( 1983)

MCV: gay, lesbian, transgender news culture & clubbing.
(Lencut Pty Ltd.)Fairfield, Vic.
Community newspaper. ISSN 1444-9153. Previously as Melbourne community voice?
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no6 (Jan122001)-9, 10

M. G. Collective

M.I.: Male insider. (Macho Publications) New York. no1(Oct1986)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 2no3 (Dec1987) 3no1 (Aug 1988)

M.T.M: Man to man, New Zealand's gay community newspaper. Auckland. No.28(26Je1992)-(22Je1995)
Continues: Man to man. Continued by: Express. Numbering discontinued at no56.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1992 (26Je1992)-(22Je1995)

MACH: a drummer super publication. (Desmodus Inc.) San Francisco, CA.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no17 (Mr1989), no24 (Jl1991)

MACHO Publications
see also
M.I.: Male insider.

MACLEANS: Canadian weekly newsmagazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (16My1994) - profile of MS Sven Robinson

MADRID gai (Asociation Gai de Madrid (AGAMA)) Madrid. no1( 1983)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no4(N1983)-7(F1984)

MAGAYZINE. Best. 1987no1(Jl1987)-
"MaGAYzine" Developed out of De Gay krant?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1987no1(Jl1987)

MAGNITUDE: a Falcon Presentation. (Falcon Studios) San Francisco. no1(1976)-?
Probably a one-off publication, featuring images of the model Todd Parker.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no1(1976)

MAGNUS: das magazine fur Schwule. Berlin. no0(Jun.1989), no1(Oct1989)-?
Formed from the merger of Rosa Flieder and another title.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no0(Jun1989), no1(Oct1989)- Vol3no2 (Feb1991), Vol3no4
Apr 1991

MAGRA. (Manawatu Gay Rights Association) Palmerston North. 1no11(F?1979)-5no9(D1981), (Ja1982)-(Ap1985)
Numbering irregular, some issued undated. Title varies 1982-83, resuming consistently as MAGRA in 1984.
Supersedes its Newsletter. Superseded by its Newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no11(F?1979)-5no9(D1981), (Ja1982)-(Ap1985)

MAGRA mag. (Manawatu Gay Rights Assn. Inc.) Palmerston North. (Oc1987)-(N1989)
Supersedes its untitled Newsletter (1985-87), From 1988 irregular and under varying titles, some issues lacking titles. Superseded by an untitled circular.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Oct1987)-(Jul1989)

MAINLINE (Vivaids) Melbourne.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(1990)

MAIZE: a lesbian country magazine. (Maize Collective) Serafina, New Mexico.
"By and for lesbians"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1]no33(9992 i.e.? 1992)

MALE: a Bodyworks publication. (Arena Publications) Hollywood.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no3(1978)

MALE art. (Climax Studios) London. no1( 1964)-no3(Summer1964)
Superseded by Guy
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(Spring1964)-no3(Summer1964)

MALE classics. London.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no4(Winter1957)

MALE image. (Adonis Productions Ltd) Wellington. 1([1973])-?
Only one issue? "Designed to promote publicly the beauty and artistry of the male nude figure. It is NOT a homosexual publication..."
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1([1973])

MALE insider
M.I.: Male insider

MALE models. Continental ed. (International Male Studio) Copenhagen.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no18(1963)

MALE pix
J BRIAN presents Male Pix.

MALESTROM; a magazine for men. (Auckland Men's Centre and Auckland Men's Anti-Sexist Collective) Auckland. no1(Ja1984)-?
Formed from the union of Auckland Men's' Anti-Sexist Collective. Newsletter with Auckland Men's' Centre. Newsletter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Ja1984)-4(Ag1984)

MAN alive. (Pink Press Publishing Co Ltd) London. no1(Oc1987)-4(Ja1988)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Oc1987)-4(Ja1988)

MAN and society. (Albany Trust) London. no1(My1961)-?
ISSN 0025-1526
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1((Spring1961), 2no1-2no2, 5(Spring1963)-8(Spring1965), no10(Winter1966)-no12(1971)

MAN to man: New Zealand's nationwide gay news. (Gay Press Ltd) Auckland. no1(17May1991)-27(Je?1992).
ISSN 1171-3623. Published at first by the Men and Leather Expo, then expanded into a fortnightly free newsmagazine. Continued by M. T. M.: Man to man.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(17May)-27(Jun1992)

MAN-Vrouwen Maatschappij (MVM)
INFO: gezanenlijk informatie bulletin

MANAWATU Gay Rights Association. Newsletter. Palmerston North. No1 (Oct1977)-[No 10] (Nov1978)
Superseded by MAGRA.
Also known as MAGRA mag.
Title reverted to Manawatu Gay Rights Association newsletter May 1985.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Oct1977)-(Nov1978)

MANAWATU Gay Rights Association. [Newsletter] Palmerston North. (My1985)-(Ap1987), (Oc1989)-(N1989)?, ?(Je1993)-S1994)
Supersedes MAGRA. Some issues as MAGRA.
Superseded by MAGRA mag, but reverted to former title in 1989,
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (My1985)-(Ap1987), (Oc1989)-(N1989)?, ?(Je1993)-S1994)

MANAWATU Gay Rights Association
see also

MANAWATU Lesbian and Gay Rights Association. [Newsletter] Palmerston North. (Oc1994)-(N/D1999)
Continues Manawatu Gay Rights Association. [Newsletter]. Title varies, some as MALGRA newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Oc1994)-(N/D1999)

MANAWATU lesbian news sheet. Palmerston North. No. 1 [no date, 1991]-
Title varies: 1-6 as Newsheet, 7- as Manawatu newsheet (with symbol), some as Manawatu lesbian newsheet (or 'lesbians' or 'news sheet') Newsletter for Manawatu lesbians.
Copies held are ex Lilac Collective, all shelved together under the same title.
LAGANZ [Stack 1]: no. 1([no date])-

MANCUNIAN gay. (M. G. Collective) Manchester. no1(S1980)-?
Superseded by Gay life
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no47(N1985)

MANDATE: the national magazine of entertainment and eros. (Modernismo Publications) New York 1(Ap1975)-
ISSN 0360-1005. Also known as Mandate (Mavety Media Group Ltd)
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1no12(Ap1976), 3no27(Jl1977), 3no32(D1977), 14no2(Feb1988), 14no4(Apr1988), 14no2, no4. [?], 18no5 (My 1994), 20no1-21no2 (1996)

MANDINGO. (Colt Studios) Van Nuys, CA.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no1(n.d.)

MAN'S Image Publications
see also

MANS world. Worcester Park, Surrey.
Physique magazine. 'Incorporating Popular man'
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] (Ap1957)-Je1958) broken run

MANS worlds and Reg Park annual. (Mans World Publishing) Worcester Park, Surrey.
Physique magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] (1959)

MANS worlds and Reg Park journal. (Mans World Publishing) Worcester Park, Surrey.
Physique magazine. Formed from the merger of Mans world with Reg Park journal. 'Incorporating Popular man.'
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] (My1959)-(Je1959), (Ap1960)

MANSQUARED Publications

MAN2MAN. (Mansquared Publishing) San Francisco. no1(1980)-
Sexual contact magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no2(Dec1980/Jan1981)

MARANATHA. (Metropolitan Community Church of Melbourne) Melbourne. (Jl1977)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 4no6(Sep1979)

MARKED men. [Newsletter] Petersham.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no25(Jl1994)-26(Ag1994), 30(F1995)

MARY Ann Liebert Publishers
AIDS patient care

MASOK. Budapest.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (N1991)

MATIKE: newsletter of Methodists for Lesbian and Gay Concerns. Lower Hutt. 1(Je1991)-
First issue lacks title. ISSN 1171-9141
Suspended 1992-1994
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Je1991)-2no5 (Je1997)

MATTACHINE interim. (Mattachine Society) San Francisco.
Supersedes Interim
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2ndQuarter1963-3rdQuarter1963

MATTACHINE newsletter
see also
MATTACHINE Society. Denver Area Council. Newsletter.

MATTACHINE newsletter. (Mattachine Society. San Francisco Area Council) San Francisco. no23?(Apr1955)-?
Title varies: nos 66-95 as San Francisco mattachine newsletter. Supersedes San Francisco mattachine newsletter.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no25(Jun.1955)-101(Sep/Nov1962)
Set lacks no44, 51

MATTACHINE review. (Mattachine Society Inc.) Los Angeles. 1(Ja/F1955)-? 12no1(Jl1966)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Ja/F1955)-9no11(Nov1963)
Note: set lacks 8no4(Apr1962)

see also

MATTACHINE Society. Chicago Area Council. Newsletter. Chicago. 1(20Jul1954)-?
Title varies: some as Chicago mattachine newsletter or as Chicago M
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(20Jul1954)-1no5, 2no1-2no4(Jun/Jul1955)

MATTACHINE Society. Denver Area Council
see also

MATTACHINE Society. Denver Area Council. Newsletter. Denver, Co. 1(Jul1957)-5no2(Feb1961)
Title varies: Some as Mattachine newsletter; Denver mattachine newsletter; Denver area mattachine newsletter. Superseded by The Neighbors
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Jul1957)-4no1, 4no3, 5-6, 11; 5no1-5no2(Feb1961)

MATTACHINE Society. Long Beach Area Council. Newsletter. Long Beach, CA. 1(11Jul.1954)-?
Title varies and some lack title.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Jl.1954)-2no2, 2no4-2no6, 2no11(Nov.1955), (Apr.1956)

MATTACHINE Society. Los Angeles Area Council. Newsletter. Los Angeles. 2no8(Sept.1954)-?
Supersedes Mattachine Society. Southern Regional Council. Newsletter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no8(Sep1954)-2no13(Mar1955); Jun1956, Oct1956-Dec1956; Jan959, Mar1959-Apr1959

MATTACHINE Society. New York Area Council.
NEW YORK mattachine newsletter

MATTACHINE Society. San Francisco Area Council
MATTACHINE newsletter
SAN FRANCISCO mattachine newsletter

MATTACHINE Society. Southern Area Council.
see also

MATTACHINE Society. Southern Area Council. Newsletter. Los Angeles. (Oct1953)-2no7(1Aug1954)
Continued by Mattachine Society. Los Angeles Area Council. Newsletter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (1stOct1953)-2no7(Aug1954)

MATTACHINE Society. Washington Chapter. Newsletter. Washington. 1(Jul1956)-?
Some issues as Washington newsletter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(Jul1956)-1no3, 2no2-2no3, 2no6-2no8(Aug1957)

MATTACHINE Society of New York
NEW YORK Mattachine Times

MAVETY Media Group Ltd
see also under its other name: MODERNISMO Publications

MEDIA ACTion. (AIDS Committee of Toronto) Toronto
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no9(Oct1985)-10(Nov1985); 3no11(Dec1987)-4no11(Dec1988)

MEDIA Lights Inc

MEDIAS Developpement
SAMOURAI magazine

MEETMARKET. (Designer Publications) Canberra. (D1994)-
ISSN 1323-1669. Absorbed as an internal section of Outrage from August 1995. Also known as Meet market.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] (D1994)-(Jl1998) lacks some issues. [?]

MELBOURNE Gay Liberation newsletter. Fitzroy. (Jul1973)?-(Aug1976)?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] Je1974, Ap1976

MELBOURNE Gay Teachers Group. [Newsletter] Fitzroy.
Superseded by Gay Teachers and Students Group. Newsletter
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 2no1(Mr1977)

MELBOURNE Grapevine. (Metropolitan Community Church of Melbourne).
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no4(D1978)-1no5 (Ja1979)

MELBOURNE leather times. Fairfield, Vic. no1(30Jul1992)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(30Jul1992)

MELBOURNE star observer. (Australian Co-operative Media Enterprises Ltd) Melbourne. no48(17Jl1987)-?
ISSN: 0816-4290. Supersedes Melbourne's star observer. Continued by M.S.O
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no48(17Jl1987)-49, 51-72, 74-80, 82-89, 91-99, 101-230 [some issues missing], 240-301 [some issues missing], many issues missing 1996-1998, scattered holdings only 1999-2000.

MELBOURNE voice. Melbourne no1([1984])-?2([1984]);
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 1([F??1984])-2([1984]); [ns]no1([Ja1985?])-17(S1985)

MELBOURNE'S star observer. (Gay Publications Co-operative) Melbourne. no1(270ct.[i.e. Sep]1985)-47(3Jul1987)
ISSN 0816-4290. no1 misdated October; actually issued in September. no34 as National star observer no1. Superseded by Melbourne star observer
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no1(270ct[i.e. Sep]1985)-47(3Jul1987)


MEN against sexism. (Christchurch Men's' Consciousness Raising Groups) Christchurch. no1( 1978)?-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1([ 1978]), no3(F1979)-4(My/Je1979)

MEN and Leather Expo.
see MAN to man

MEN of Advocate men. (Liberation Publications) Los Angeles. 1( 1984)-
ISSN 0882-9713
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 1no10(Oct/Nov1985)

MEN of all Colours Together, New York. Information bulletin. New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 8no12(Apr.1988), 9no4(Sept.1988)-5, 9no11-10no2/3, 11no11-12no1/2(Je/Jl1991)

MENS' newsletter. Christchurch. no1( 1986)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(Ag1986)-5(N1986), 7(Mr1987)

MENS' newsletter. (Hamilton Men's Group) Hamilton. ([1983])-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] [n.d.,1983]

MERIDIAN. (Meridian Club Inc.) Canberra, ACT.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no37(Jan1990)

MERIDIAN Club (Canberra)

METHODISTS for Lesbian and Gay Concerns

METRA: the midwest gay entertainment magazine. Ferndale, MI
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no247(My1989), 612(22 September 2004)

METRO community news. (Metropolitan Community Church, Toronto) Toronto. 1(1973/4)?-8no4(13Je1981)
ISSN 0705-2014
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 7no1(N1979)

METROPOLITAN Business Association
CHICAGO directory; a gay guide to businesses and entertainment

METROPOLITAN Community Church, Auckland
LOAVES and fishes

METROPOLITAN Community Church, Honolulu
ALOHA outreach

METROPOLITAN Community Church, Sydney

METROPOLITAN Community Church, Toronto
METRO community news

METROPOLITAN Community Church of Australia and New Zealand

METROPOLITAN Community Church of Las Vegas

METROPOLITAN Community Church of Melbourne

METROPOLITAN Community Church of New Zealand
METROPOLITAN Community Church Study Group

METROPOLITAN Community Church of the Southern Cross. News brief. Waterloo, NSW.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 3no1(Ja/F1989)

METROPOLITAN Community Church Study Group. Newsletter. Auckland. 1( 1976)?-?
Title varies: 2no1(Ja1977) as Metropolitan Community Church of New Zealand. Newsletter, 2no2 as M.C.C. news letter. Superseded by Loaves and fishes.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1no2(Ap1976)-1no7(Ag1976), 2no1-2([F1977?])

METROPOLITAN Vancouver Athletic & Arts Association
see also

METROSOURCE: the gay guide to the metropolitan area. New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Spr1994)

MICHAEL Harding Memorial Lecture (Gay Christian Movement) London. no1(1978)-
Subseries of Gay Christian Movement. GCM pamphlets, q.v.
Each issue has a distinctive title: LAGANZ copies catalogued and classified as monographs.
LAGANZ: [shelved in classified sequence] no1(1978)-5(1982)

MICHAEL'S thing: weekly entertainment magazine. New York. 1( 1970)-14no23(Je 1984)
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] [8no34(Aug1978)-13no31(Aug1983)] (broken run)

MICHIGAN. Department of Public Health
AIDS Update

MICHIGAN HIV/ AIDS report. (Michigan. Dept of Health) Lansing. 4no8(Aug1989)-11no3(My/Je1996)
Supersedes AIDS update. Superseded by Michigan quarterly HIV report.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 4no8(Aug1989)-11no3(My/Je1996)

MICHIGAN quarterly HIV report. (Michigan Dept. of Community Health) Lansing.
Continues Michigan HIV/ AIDS report.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Fall1996)-(Summer1998)

MIDNIGHT alarm: America's Judeo-christian traditional values advocate. (California Coalition for Traditional Values) Anaheim, CA.
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] 2no4(Spring/summer1985) [photocopy] [2no4 is special issue on homosexuality]

MIDSUMMA Festival Inc. News. Sydney. no1(Aug1990)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no1(Aug1990)-2(Oct/Nov1990)

GAY times
HIM magazine
MISTER quorum

see also
GAY times


MISS Moles' hideaway news. Christchurch. no1(D1984)?-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] no2(Ja1985), no5 (My/Je 1985)

MISS Moles hot gossip. Christchurch. no1(My1982)-?
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(My1982), 4-5, 8, 10-12, 15-16, 18, 20-22, 24, 27-30 (S1986)

MISTER quorum. (Millivres Ltd) London.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 2no2(Mar1978)

MISTER SM. (Revolt Produkt) Aseda, Sweden.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no27(n.d.)

MODERN Adonis. (Male Classics) London.
Physique magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] no29(n.d. ca 1965), 35(n.d.)

MODERN man: the international physique magazine. (Press Books Ltd) Worcester Park, Surrey.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] (Spring1959)

MODERNISMO Publications
see also under its other name: Mavety Media Group Ltd.

MOMENTUM. (Human Rights Campaign Fund) Washington DC.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (winter1988/89)

MONITOR (National AIDS Network)
NATIONAL AIDS Network. NAN Monitor

MONTHLY book news (Doctor Duncan Revolution Bookshop) Hyde Park, SA. (1974)?-(Ja1976)
Superseded by Speaking volumes. Ja1976 as Bloody book news.
Supplemented by Feminist and gay news (from Nov1975)
"Published for and by the Feminist and Gay liberation Resources Association"
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] F, Ag1974; Je1975-Ja1976

MONTHLY litigation update. (National Gay Rights Advocates) [n.p.]
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (F1988), (Ja1989)

MONTROSE Ventures Inc.
T.W.T.: this week in Texas

MONTROSE voice. Houston, TX. no1(Oc1980)-
LAGANZ: [Stack 2] no69(19F1982)-74(26My1982), 522(260ct1990), 537 (F1991)

MOTIVE. (United Methodist Church. Board of Education. Division of Higher Education) New York. 1( 1941)-32no2(1972)
Final issue (32no2) devoted to theme of Gay men's liberation,
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 32no2(1972)

MOUNTAIN lesbian news. (Raging Purple Productions) Springwood, NSW.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1]broken holdings 1990-1993 [lacks some issues]

MOUTH of the dragon. New York. no1(My1974)-?
ISSN 01450042
A male poetry magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] 1(My1974), 3-11/12(1977), 2no2(Je1979)

LAMBDA; giornale ...

MUSCLEBOY. (The Young Physique Publishing Co.) New York.
Physique magazine.
LAGANZ: [Stack 3] 3no1(Feb/Mar1966)

MY comrade. New York.
LAGANZ: [Stack 1] (Fall1988)




Last updated: 24 Mar 2023

Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa formerly Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa (LAGANZ)
Alexander Turnbull Library, 70 Molesworth St, Wellington 6011

Curator Tel: +64 4 462 3972 | Trust Secretary Mob: +64 27 444 3961

curators@laganz.org.nz | facebook.com/kawemahara | instagram.com/kawemahara